sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013

TOP 300 – Nº 289 – Mel & Kim – Respectable

A canção escolhida para ser a minha 289 é das irmãs britânicas Mel & Kim (Melanie e Kim Appleby), tiveram bastante sucesso entre 1986 e 88 com “Showing out (Get fresh at the weekend)” e a aqui apresentada “Respectable” que chegou até ao nº 1 nos US single charts, além de alcançar a mesma posição na Alemanha, Reino Unido e Austrália, entre outros. Seguiu-se “F.L.M.” que menos atenção obtivera do público. Este duo de música pop teve um fim inesperado com a doença de Melanie que em 90 faleceu vítima de cancro!
E eu, o que fiz em 87, ano da canção? Eram tempos de transição, tinha acabado de sair da Força Aérea Alemã, tinha acabado de decidir ficar em Portugal, trabalhando naquilo que antes era o meu passatempo, reparar televisões.

The song chosen for my nº 289 is from the British sisters Mel & Kim (Melanie and Kim Appleby), they had a lot of success between 1986 and 88, with “Showing out (Get fresh at the weekend)” and my song, “Respectable” which reached nº 1 at the US single charts, and also the same position in Germany, UK, Australia and other countries. The following “F.L.M.” wasn’t that successfully. This pop music duo had an unexpected end with the illness of Melanie, and in 1990 she died on cancer!
And me, what was I doing in 1987, year of the song? There were transition times, had just left the German Air Force and had decided to stay in Portugal, working at a profession which was my hobby before, repairing TV sets.

Die von mir ausgewählte nº 289 fällt auf die englischen Schwestern Mel & Kim (Melanie und Kim Appleby), sie hatten grosse Erfolge zwischen 1986 und 88 mit „Showing out (Get fresh at the weekend)“ und meinem song, „Respectable“, der sogar nº 1 an der US single charts erreichte. Die gleiche Position erhielten sie in Deutschland, England, Australien und anderen Ländern. Der nächste Hit „F.L.M.“ war dann nicht mehr so erfolgreich. Dieses pop duo fand ein unerwartetes Ende mit der Krankheit von Melanie, sie starb 1990 an Krebs!
Und was tat ich 1987, Jahr als dieser Titel erschien? Es waren Übergangszeiten, ich kam gerade aus der Luftwaffe herraus und hatte entschieden in Portugal zu bleiben um mein Leben als Fernsehmechaniker zu verdienen, Beruf das vorher mein Hobby war.

sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

TOP 300 – Nº 290 – Loverboy – Turn me loose

Não se pode dizer que estes roqueiros canadianos sejam muito conhecidos na Europa, mas nos anos 80 tiveram enormes êxitos no continente norte-americano. Mesmo assim, a canção ‘Turn me loose’ chegou ao velho continente com teve algum êxito; na Austrália até obtiveram um nº 3. Claro que no país de origem tiveram mais sucesso, nos EUA então chegaram com ‘Hot girls in love’ e ‘Working for the weekend’ até ao nº 2. Existem até aos dias de hoje.

You cannot say that these Canadian rockers were well known in Europe, but in the 80ies they had big successes in the North-American continent. Evan so, the song ‘Turn me loose’ had some success in Europe; in Australia they even got a 3th place. In their home country, of course, they were better known, in the states they reached nº 2 with com ‘Hot girls in love’ and ‘Working for the weekend’. Loverboy still exist until today.

Man kann nicht sagen das diese Rocker aus Kanada in Europa sehr bekannt sind, aber in den 80ern hatten sie grosse Erfolge im Nordamerikanischen Kontinent. Trotzdem hatten sie mit ‚Turn me loose‘ einen Achtungserfolg im alten Europa, unten in Australien brachten sie es sogar zu einem 3. Rang. Zuhause sind sie natürlich besser bekannt, in den USA erreichten sie sogar den 2. Platz mit com ‚Hot girls in love’ und ‚Working for the weekend’. Sie spielen bis in die heutige Zeit.